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July 18, 2024 • Reading time: 6 Min

ESG investments, ratings & scores: an overview

ESG investments are becoming increasingly important in the financial world. But what does this term actually mean? ESG stands for environment, social and governance and describes sustainable investment strategies that not only take into account returns, but also social and ecological aspects. In our article, we take a detailed look at the emergence and development of ESG investments, highlight their advantages and disadvantages and discuss risks and challenges. Why are ESG investments so important today? How does the principle of ESG investing work and what advantages does it offer? You can find an overview of everything you need to know here.

Summary: Everything you need to know about ESG ratings and investments

ESG investments are forms of investment that focus on sustainability and take ESG factors into account. Companies that wish to invest in ESG investments must operate sustainably and demonstrate transparent business practices. This form of investment is becoming increasingly important as it not only generates financial returns, but can also have a positive impact on society and the environment.

In ESG investing, companies are assessed on the basis of their environmental, social and governance performance. There are various options for sustainable investing such as specialized funds or individual stock selection processes. Through targeted financing, investors can help drive positive change in the economy and create a more sustainable financial system.

ESG ratings and scores are used to evaluate companies in terms of their sustainability performance. These ratings are based on various criteria such as environmental impact, working conditions and transparency of business practices. A good rating can improve a company's image and have a positive long-term impact on financial performance.

There are risks associated with ESG investments, such as the difficulty of accurately assessing the actual impact of ESG factors on financial performance. There is also the risk of "greenwashing", where companies disguise their image as sustainable. However, ESG investments also offer advantages such as a positive impact on society and the environment, risk mitigation and the opportunity to create long-term value.

Ultimately, ESG investments allow investors to achieve financial returns while contributing to positive social change. It's important to carefully weigh the pros and cons and make informed decisions that align with your values.

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Everything about ESG investments

Definition and meaning

ESG investments are forms of investment that are geared towards sustainability. Environmental, social and governance factors are taken into account(ESG criteria). The aim is to incorporate ethical aspects into investment decisions. Companies that wish to invest in ESG investments must operate sustainably and demonstrate transparent business practices. These investments are important because they not only generate financial returns, but also have a positive impact on society and the environment. Companies that actively consider environmental, social and governance factors help to mitigate the risk of negative impacts on their business in the long term. Investors can use ESG investments to ensure that their capital flows into ethically responsible companies that maintain transparent business practices and assume social responsibility.

The growing trend towards sustainable investments reflects the increasing awareness of environmental and social issues in the financial sector. More and more investors are recognizing the added value of a holistic view of investments that takes these aspects into account. It is therefore crucial for investors of all kinds - whether institutional investors or private individuals - to design their portfolios with environmental protection, social responsibility and good corporate governance in mind. Overall, ESG investments and corresponding investment strategies offer an opportunity for investors to invest their capital profitably and make a positive contribution to society at the same time.

How ESG investing works

ESG investing, also known as sustainable investing, is an investment strategy that does not focus exclusively on financial returns, but also takes environmental, social and governance factors into account. Companies are evaluated and selected based on their performance in these areas. Environmental aspects refer to a company's ecological footprint and its use of natural resources and emissions. Social aspects cover areas such as working conditions, human rights and diversity in the workplace. Governance refers to corporate management, transparency and ethical behavior.

By taking ESG criteria into account, investors can make targeted investments in companies that act responsibly. This strategy supports positive change in the economy while helping to create a more sustainable financial system. There are various options available for sustainable investments: from specialized funds to ETFs and individual stock selection processes. These diverse options allow investors to take their personal preferences into account and actively contribute to a better future.

ESG investments: Background and origins

ESG investments have become considerably more important in recent years. This form of investment is due to the growing awareness of sustainability issues. Previously, the focus of investments was mainly on financial returns, without much consideration of environmental or social impact. Nowadays, this perspective has changed as more and more people recognize the importance of responsible investing.

The history of ESG investing goes back to the 1960s, when more and more companies began to integrate ethical and social aspects into their business activities. This illustrates a trend towards a more holistic approach to investment decisions. More and more investors are recognizing the long-term value of sustainable investing and are demanding transparency from companies in terms of environmental impact and social responsibility.

Initiatives such as the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)(on the principles) and the Paris Agreement(on the Paris Agreement) have made it clear that ESG factors are not only ethically correct, but can also have a positive impact on long-term returns. These developments have meant that ESG criteria are now a fundamental part of the global financial system.

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Ratings and scores

What are ESG ratings and ESG scores?

ESG ratings and ESG scores are tools used to evaluate companies in terms of their environmental, social and governance performance. The ESG rating is based on a variety of data sources and analyses, including reports on environmental impact, working conditions or ethical behavior. This information is then used to create ratings to help investors decide which companies to support. A good rating can not only improve a company's image and reduce its risk profile, but also have a positive impact on its financial performance in the long term.

More and more investors are therefore taking the result of a rating into account when making their decisions. Sustainability ratings are often carried out by independent rating agencies and give investors an indication of how sustainably a company operates. A scale is often used to characterize the sustainability profile of a company. The higher the rating or score, the better the company performs in terms of its environmental and social impact.

How does the rating work?

The ESG rating is based on a variety of criteria, ranging from environmental impact and working conditions to the transparency of business practices. The exact composition of the assessment criteria can vary depending on the rating agency. Frequently used data sources include publicly available information such as annual reports, sustainability reports or independent studies. To calculate an ESG score, each component is weighted according to its relevance to the overall picture. The better a company performs in terms of environmental protection measures, social concerns and good corporate governance, the higher its score. A high ESG score therefore signals to investors and stakeholders that the company is in a strong position with regard to sustainability and ethical conduct.

It is important to note that there is no standardized method to calculate the scores accurately - this often leads to discussions about which factors should be considered and how they should be evaluated. Nevertheless, these scores have established themselves as a useful tool for transparently demonstrating a company's commitment to environmental responsibility and social issues.

How do you improve your score?

Various measures must be taken to improve the ESG score. Firstly, the company should publish transparent reports on its sustainable practices. This includes information on how it deals with environmental impacts, how it addresses social challenges and what governance structures it has implemented. Furthermore, an improvement in the score can be achieved through the implementation of sustainable business practices. This means, for example, reducing CO2 emissions or promoting diversity in the workplace. Another important step towards increasing the score is the involvement of stakeholders in decision-making processes relating to sustainability issues. By responding to feedback from employees, customers, suppliers and investors and taking their needs into account, the company can strengthen its values in the area of environmental, social and governance issues.

In summary, transparency in ESG reporting on sustainability measures, active efforts to implement sustainable business practices and engaged collaboration with stakeholders can help companies improve their ESG score - which is not only good for their image but can also ensure long-term financial stability.

Risks and opportunities of sustainable investments

Sustainable and socially responsible investments are becoming increasingly popular. However, the risks of such investments cannot be ignored. One potential risk is that it can be difficult to accurately assess the actual impact of environmental social governance factors on a company's financial performance. In addition, certain sectors or regions may be more affected by regulatory changes.

On the other hand, the investments also offer numerous opportunities. By taking ESG criteria into account, investors can help drive positive social change and create long-term value. Companies with a strong sustainability strategy could be more stable in the long term and more resilient to external risks such as climate change or social unrest.

It is important for investors to take a balanced perspective on the risks and opportunities of ESG investing and to align their own values with their investment decisions. Ultimately, well-informed sustainable investment decisions can be both financially and ethically rewarding - a win-win for everyone involved.

Advantages and disadvantages of ESG investments


  1. Positive impact on society and the environment: One of the biggest benefits is the opportunity to promote sustainable change and have a positive impact on environmental and social standards. Through targeted investments, investors can help companies to act more responsibly and make a long-term commitment to sustainability.
  2. Risk reduction: Another advantage of sustainable investments is risk reduction. By incorporating environmental, social and governance factors into investment decisions, investors can reduce financial risks such as reputational damage or legal problems.
  3. Improving financial performance: It has been shown that companies that meet the criteria are generally more successful. They have fewer risks and pursue a long-term perspective.
  4. Increasing demand and social acceptance: The public's growing interest in sustainability and social responsibility is increasing the popularity of sustainable investments. This can lead to higher capital inflows and better returns for these companies.


  1. Evaluation challenges: As there are no standardized methods for evaluating environmental social governance factors, it can be difficult to objectively compare companies and find objective criteria for evaluating sustainability.
  2. Greenwashing: There is a risk of so-called "greenwashing", whereby companies disguise their image as sustainable even though they do not actually act accordingly.
  3. Higher costs: Some sustainable funds have higher fees than conventional funds, as they are often actively managed and require additional analysis and due diligence.
  4. Transparency gaps: Not all companies communicate in detail about their ESG measures, which makes it difficult to obtain an accurate assessment of their actual performance in this area. For investors who value this openness, ELTIFs (European Long-Term Investment Funds) are recommended: These have a focus on impact and strive to make it traceable.
  5. Lower returns: In addition, the criteria may sometimes conflict with an investor's financial objectives. Investors may have to compromise on expected returns or exclude certain sectors in order to remain true to their ethical principles.

Sustainable investments: combining financial returns and positive change

Sustainable investments are an important way for investors to invest their money profitably and make a positive contribution to society at the same time. By taking environmental, social and governance factors into account, investors can make targeted investments in companies that act responsibly and are more stable and resilient to external risks in the long term. ESG ratings and scores provide guidance for identifying sustainable companies and transparently presenting their performance in terms of sustainability. However, it is important to weigh up the pros and cons of investments, as there are challenges in the evaluation process and there is a risk of "greenwashing" (link blog). Nevertheless, well-informed sustainable investment decisions can be both financially and ethically rewarding. Overall, ESG investing offers an opportunity to generate returns while making a positive difference in the world.

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